For all bots available: see here

The best Telegram RSS feed reader! Receive updates in Telegram from your favorite websites.

The Feed Reader Bot monitors your RSS feeds, and sends you messages when new posts are available.
It can also send messages to Telegram groups & channels.


Connect to Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok and more!

Subscribe the bot to Twitter/Youtube/Tiktok accounts, Facebook pages, and receive messages in Telegram when new posts, tweets or videos are available.

Premium features!

Include: fast refresh rate (30 minutes instead of 4 hours), more feed subscriptions, templates, screenshots monitoring, anti-spam settings, send messages to Discord and Slack channels etc.

With an Elite subscription you can even have a faster refresh rate! (-> 10 minutes) and send to WhatsApp WhatsApp and Signal Signal

AI (Artificial Intelligence) features: generate summaries and subtitles

more details

Templates pageTemplate configuration


if you want to advertise on the Feed Reader Bot (audience of thousands of users) please contact jcmag

Mastodon follow @jcmag on Mastodon
Mastodon follow the @FeedReaderBot on Mastodon